Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A month to go, a year to celebrate.

I can't believe that it poured with rain all night long and yet I don't think a single drop fell on Cristal and me as we ran this morning. How lucky is that? Well, I suppose we made up for it by battling a nasty headwind down by the water on Dallas Road. I told Cristal that there are a lot of similarities between stroller-running into a headwind and stroller-running uphill. Either way, it's good practice for thinking about body alignment, stride length and arm positioning; efficiency is your best friend.

The TC 10K is set for May 1st, so we have a month left of training. This morning we ran a portion of the race route, running out along Richardson, Moss, May, Memorial and Dallas. We cut back up Cook Street to head back to the store. You can view a map of our run here. Cristal and I stuck to our usual intervals of five minutes running, one minute walking and ran a total of around thirty-five minutes, not including the walk breaks. Our total distance was just a hair under six kilometres.

 My plan for next week is to run the finish-line portion of the race route. It's nice going into a race knowing what the final few kilometres look like, that way you know what to expect. It's not a hard finish exactly, but it can be mentally tough since you have to turn a series of corners and you keep hoping that the next turn will be the last. If you're really spent, it can be a little demoralizing, so let's hope that a little preparation will go a long way... 

Today is a special day for Cristal, since it marks one year since she became clean. We're all so proud of all that you've accomplished, Cristal and can't wait to celebrate this milestone with you every year. Here's to hard work and determination! Here's to you!

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