Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Easy does it.

Cristal is attempting a comeback. Most people, including myself, think it's a little early for her to be running again, since she is still experiencing quite a bit of pain in her knee. But I have to admit, she was a sight for sore eyes this morning. 

As we left the store, Cristal commented that I seemed preoccupied and I laughed a little because I wasn't preoccupied, I just felt half asleep even after a whole pot of Earl Grey. A Running Mom is first and foremost a Mom and I spent a good portion of last night awake with an unhappy baby. Nights like last night are one of the reasons I started Running Moms; without the group to look forward to, it can be really tough to get out for a run when you really need the stress release and mood boost. Nothing wipes the slate clean like a good run.

We took things slowly today and ran our usual intervals of five minutes running, one minute walking. You can view our route here. We ran a distance of 4.5 km and our total running time (not including walk breaks) was roughly 27.5 minutes. The pace was considerably slower than our previous runs and it will stay that way until Cristal is able to sort out what is going on with her knee. She wore a brace on it today and although she said she was doing well, I still noticed some limping, particularly when running downhill. We (and by "we", I mean "I") talked a lot about training paces, levels of exertion, and the differences between workouts and long runs. Cristal has her heart and mind set on training for the Half Marathon in October and I'm committed to helping her achieve her goal as long as that darned knee will allow it.

For those Moms out there who read this blog and think you may want to join us for a run, please feel free to contact me anytime at with any and all questions. I'm a down-to-earth sort and I have your best interests at heart. I tailor all runs to the Moms in the group, so all levels and abilities will be accommodated. When you run with Running Moms, the run is your run, not mine. I'm just there to talk your ear off (ask Cristal).

Here's some post-run pics from today:

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