Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Birthday / Hallowe'en / Half-a-Half!

Sunday, October 28th was a super-special day - Cheyanne's birthday! ...oh, and it was also the Shawnigan-Kinsol Half Marathon and Half-a-Half! 

Running Moms had ten runners in the Half-a-Half: Christy, Aleshia, Cheyanne, Nicole, Angela, Tori, Doris, Sarah, Sebastien and me. Most of us ran in small groups (dressed in Hallowe'en costumes!), and all of us finished with smiles; no easy feat, considering the hills throughout the course, particularly near the end of the race.

The highlight of the race course is running out and back across the gorgeous Kinsol trestle. I have to say that this race offers one of the most beautiful courses I've had the pleasure of running. I definitely plan on making this an annual event and I hope our Running Moms keep up the spirit and continue to run the race in costume. It was a really fun day.

(L-R) Sara (me) and Aleshia.

Birthday Girl, Cheyanne!

Christy and Nicole.

Angela and Tori.


Sarah's daughter Julia ran into the finish with her Mom.



Julia, proudly wearing her Mom's finisher's medal.

We did it!!

Not only did everyone have a great time, some of us also placed in our age groups! Aleshia was fourth in her age group, and Cheyanne and Tori finished third and fourth respectively in theirs. Wow! Way to go, Ladies!

Aleshia: fourth place!

Tori and Cheyanne: fourth and third!

This sure was an incredible way to end our clinic. Thank you to all the amazing people who joined our group and made every workout, long run and race so much fun... 

Thank you for the conversation and camaraderie, and of course all the coffees after the run. I know I speak for most - if not all - of us when I say that as much as I love to run, it's always the people I run with who make running something I look forward to each week. 

I love you guys!