Thursday, November 3, 2011

Plus one.

I get so excited when someone runs with Running Moms for the first time. My friend (and as it turns out, Christy's friend) Christina, came out with us for the first time yesterday and it made my day. I love having a widening circle of people to run with; a widening circle of friends that I am pretty much guaranteed to see at least a couple times a week.

Christina was a trooper. I didn't know she was planning to run with us and I had a 9K route mapped out. I offered to shorten it, but she said she should be fine running that far, so we stuck to the plan. 

L-R: Sara, Haven, Cristal, Tegan, Christy, Madison, Christina and Georgia.

Christy wasn't running with Elise in the stroller yesterday, so she helped out pushing Christina's daughter Georgia. That helped a lot on the hills and when fatigue started to set in. It's always such a bonus to have a Mom running sans stroller; being able to share pushing can make such a difference. 

I could see Christina was feeling those last few kilometres, but with Christy's and my encouragement she persevered and ran strong until the end. Anyone who knows me knows I love to see someone work hard and push themselves (within reason, of course). I'm so looking forward to having Christina join us again soon.

Now I just need to make sure I keep these names straight: Cristal, Christy and Christina. None of them go by Chris as far as I know, so I can't even fall back on that one...


  1. I go by Chris. Next time we take a photo, make sure I'm not hiding my bum behind the stroller . . . I'll make a good before and after! Thanks RMs for putting up with that performance and keeping me in the pack. It would have been well worth it to you all if we encountered a bear or cougar. Could happen!

  2. P.S. I look like I'm holding up my own head in the first pic, which may have been the case :)
