Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Deluge, gale and bruncheon.

There's only one way to say it: Sunday's run was pretty miserable. The word 'deluge' springs quickly to mind. Oh, and 'gale.' Put 'em together and add a fully-loaded double Chariot and the term 'pretty miserable' is a euphemism. 

But none of that ultimately mattered, because Sunday was Bruncheon Day! Yes, Christy the magnificent Organizer of All Things contacted Hayley, the owner/operator/chef of Nourish Bistro at Glendale Gardens and we all got together for a yummy brunch. Such an amazing reward after the slogfest I experienced on the roads earlier that morning. The food was incredible (barley/mushroom/bean risotto with butternut squash), the company sublime.

And thanks so, so much to Christy for the wonderful and thoughtful Christmas gifts; I honestly don't know where you find the time! xo

1 comment:

  1. No pictures of your gift in use???? (wink wink)

    Thank you, it was alot of fun getting it all of it together, and Hayley made it very easy!

