Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The clinic is ON!

New clinic, new clinic, NEW CLINIC! Don't get me wrong; I always thoroughly enjoy the maintenance phase, especially over the holidays. We work so hard leading up to our races that it's always nice to have some down time. But by the time January rolls around, I'm more than ready to get back at it.

There are several awesome things about this clinic. Here is a list:

1. It's our first clinic as an Official Training Clinic for the Victoria Goddess Run.
2. It's our fist time with an amazing team of volunteer run leaders. We even have a GUY!
3. Our registration just keeps growing. We've had more and more people join for each and every clinic we've offered.
4. I've realized that the percentage of people who re-register for our clinics is close to 100%. (Usually when people leave the group it's because they are pregnant, have just had a baby, or have moved. And YAY to our returning Moms who have recently had babies!)
5. Seriously, the people who join us are terrific. We're so lucky.
6. We'll be running workouts again!

Yes, that's right... I'm celebrating the fact that we are once again running hills and doing speed work. When you run a lot of workouts, it's definitely nice to take a break, but it's funny how getting out there and working hard can feel so good. And there's nothing like a tough workout to give you a huge feeling of accomplishment every week. I don't know about you, but the simple act of completing a workout (even if I'm not feeling great that day) gives me a big boost of self-esteem. 

So to say that I'm looking forward to this clinic is a bit of an understatement. I am over the moon to once again have the honour of running with such an inspired and inspiring group of people. We have one workout and one long run already in the books and if the enthusiasm and effort displayed thus far are any indication, this is going to be even more fun than I could have ever hoped. 

If Running Moms sounds like a good fit for you, you can join us anytime. You can become a member, or you can join us for our 10K or Half Marathon clinic; we still have space and would love to have you!

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