Monday, September 17, 2012

The brain is a trickster.

We are closing in on race day. Some of our runners will run the GoodLife Fitness Victoria Half Marathon and some will run the 8K Road Race. Both races are October 7th. We've been training since June and although it's the point in the clinic where people start to feel nervous (including me!), the training has gone well and I know we're prepared. The quote in the photo above always comes to mind when race day is inching closer... Because when you're standing on the start line, all you have is now

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. On my best days, this has resulted in personal triumph. On my not-so-great days, it's been a consolation and reminder that even with the utmost preparation, there are no guarantees. Truthfully, I think this unknown quantity in running and racing plays a big part in what drives us to continue training and pushing ourselves. As much as I daydream about killing every single race, I know that battling back and refocusing my efforts holds a hell of a lot of appeal from a self-empowerment standpoint; who am I am as a runner is based as much on my ability to muster as it is on my desire to improve.

Still, the brain is a trickster. My head is always trying to bargain against suffering and I've already started preparing myself for the constant conversation I will have in my mind during the race. My legs will be pushed onward and all the while the voice in my head will be trying to make deals to be able to stop. It will be a litany of just-for-a-minute's and how-'bout-now's that will threaten to drive me nuts and as usual, my needy grey matter will start to see a small crack opening up at around kilometre 16. Listen, Brain... We've done this a lot. I'm onto you. Shut it. 

To my incredible and dedicated clinic members: we still have work to do before race day. We'll run it together, even when our brains are trying to convert us to doubt. Don't buy into it; just because our brains want us to be lazy doesn't mean we have to listen.


  1. Great post! My first half is this coming Sunday and I really needed to read this today. I trained hard, put the miles in and I know I am ready.

    1. Thanks so much for reading, Nicole! Glad these words can help your head space. ;) Best of luck on our race and I'll be checking out your blog to see how it goes. Don't be a stranger!
